Friday, January 5, 2007

Saddam; a hero or a war criminal?!

Almost a week passed since Saddam execution, media all over the world - Arab media intensively- still discussing this heavy event.
Some say he died like a hero, others say he deserved it
Some believe he was a criminal murder, others believe he repented before death.
If I asked any Arabian wheather he agrees Saddam execution or not, he'll stop before answering to think what to say.
Yes he agrees he had to be punished, yet he doesn't agree timing!
Saddam was autocrat who was daunting citizens, kill anyone opposing his opinions or even thinking without expressing, he & his men invented unprecedented means of atrocious torturing (I guess they r applying Saddam's school in Juantenamo :) yeah bad joke) but why they chosen that day?!!!!!
Choosing that day is an American creation, they forced the court to execute at this timing deliberately, an Islamic feast, and shame on you masked hangmen & cameraman, you masked your face & didn’t cover his face,to let him feel insulted till the last moment of his life... well,, you insulted the meaning of death not Saddam,,, he was just a man.
May be he lived all his life as a murder, but at this moment, we all saw a hero not a criminal. Even though, I & many still dislike him!

For just noting: Ariel Sharon never impeached officially for his crimes& blood baths in Sabra&Shateela, not for comparing,,,, but for reminding it's all in Washington's hands.

Message for governing structures in Iraq:
Be aware, Keep bowing to Washington and you'll lose your great deep-rooted culture, your humanity & yourselves.


  • At January 5, 2007 at 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Saddam refused to wear a mask, he asked to be excuted like this
    w as it was islamic feast also was christian w feast or not , i hate him
    damn him mtra7 ma ra7
    he can never ever b a hero

    if he is a hero one day , then sharon & every other criminals r heros"

  • At January 7, 2007 at 1:47 AM, Blogger samvet said…

    "really we all very angry to this event
    not for sadam as a person but for all arabs to be happend with this picture and this time
    he may not a hero to all people , but really i think he is a hero at least he was against america and died his head up
    for Wallaa, shron also considered a hero around his people,
    so saddam also>>

    thanx for topic 3liaa"

  • At January 8, 2007 at 1:13 PM, Blogger Lemag said…

    "... I don't know what else we need to see the truth? can one be something and become something else in front of death? It is not possible I think.
    I think the nation lost a great leader.
    I think he is a man of honor and lived for a cause.
    We lost Saddam but with his death he became a seed that will probably give one day a beautiful forest in the middle of a dry desert. blabla bla"

  • At January 18, 2007 at 3:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "killing sadam wasnot the broblem the broblem here was killing him in the eid like sheep with aa foreign hands behind the walls make from sadam a hero and broken the greatest of the arab however what he made"

  • At November 12, 2008 at 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "People should read this."


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